There's something about the feeling I get when I get that email... the one that says "Hey! You bought something. Guess what? We shipped it! And here is something to tide you over until it gets there... a tracking number." Oooooh! I love it!
We've been using gDiapers for a few months now and although I enjoy cloth diapering, the g's aren't cutting it for us. Eli pees through them like nobody's business, and if he hasn't peed through it yet, he's pulled it off and pooped on the floor. Nothing against gDiapers but they just didn't work for us. So I'm in the process of trying to decide what to try next, and I bought a new BumGenius diaper yesterday. And just a few minutes ago, I opened an email and found my tracking number. Thank you! As soon as I'm done here, I'm heading right to UPS to type in my number... even though I know it hasn't even left the building yet.
My gdiaper stash will be hitting the market soon so be on the lookout, fluffy mamas!
I love tracking things, too :)
Hope the new diaper works for you!
pooped on the floor??? LOL!!! He's a smarty pants
I heard good things abou the Bumgenious. I wanted to cloth diaper but I heard the amount of laundry to clean them is astronomical. What do you think?? I guess it all depends on how many diapers we get at our shower. LOL
Thanks for stopping by. Your words were very sweet!
I'm off the gDiapers right now too. Agreed, they just don't hold the pee. Not sure where we're going next. Really thinking about something else b/c SURPRISE! I'm pregnant again.
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