Wednesday, March 23, 2011

back again like a bitter friend

Why haven't I posted even a one-month picture? Well, because I never have two hands free--and rarely even one.

To bring my nightmare to life, Lincoln is following his brother's footsteps and I'm experiencing Colic Round Two.

I feared this, but I really thought the odds were in my favor and surely this wouldn't happen to me again. How wrong I was! He started a little sooner than Eli did, and at first it was more mild. However, it has gotten progressively worse day by day, week by week, and here we are at 7 weeks and he is downright miserable--and so am I.

I'm struggling a lot with this. I'm sleep-deprived. Eli is tantrum city. Josh is working horrible hours. And I just can't believe this has been handed to me again. I'm tired and discouraged. I feel angry and hurt. And then of course comes the guilt--he is a healthy boy and this WILL pass. I know that. There are people who have lost their babies who would shake their head at my being depressed over a screaming baby. But everything is relative, and screaming is relatively awful.

Did you know the sound of screaming babies is piped into the cells of terrorists to torture them during interrogations? What else do they use? Oh! Sleep deprivation! Sounds kind of like my life...


Anonymous said...

Oh, Shannon :( I'm sorry it's so rough right now. I wish you were closer and I could give you a big hug (I know how much you love hugs :)). Miss you.

Just Another Mother said...

Noooooo!!!!! I was wondering how everything was. I couldn't really tell from FB. This is so not fair! Colic is one of the main reasons I am content with one child. Well that and a little hurdle called IVF. If we lived closer I would give you some relief. I feel your pain. Unless you've been through it no one knows. Hang in there! I know easier said than done.

Just Another Mother said...

Hi me again. Was Eli on meds for acid reflux? I can't remember. . . Does Lincoln spit up a lot? It was the only thing that helped Maddy and by helped I don't mean cured her colic but helped her at least sleep a five hour stretch now and again. Have you read Colic Solved? Very interesting. I know you have zero time for reading now! Ugh!

Sarah McM said...

I read a study once where people were most likely to leave a space when the sound of a screaming baby was pumped in so quietly they couldn't even hear it consciously. (The sound of throwing up was second.) I am so sorry you have to deal with this on a very loud level!

Lala said...

Big hugs coming your way! My daughter had colic for an atagonizing 6 months, with a toddle in tow as well. I can offer all of the things that worked for us, but I'm sure you have tried all of them yourself. Tomorrow is a new day, take a deep breath, and don't forget to spend some time outside.