Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Tomorrow is the big day! Part of me can't believe I've waited 4 weeks for this appointment. And yet, it has been the longest 4 weeks ever! Keeping the secret, being excited, feeling worried... it has all taken its toll and I am TIRED. I'm so nervous about what I'll hear tomorrow, but I have to try to be optimistic. Jen says so... :)

I went to the maternity store for the first time today. I was looking for a belly band, but the ones at Motherhood aren't as cute as some of the ones I've seen online. But the lady convinced me to try on a pair of jeans and man, did they feel amazing!! I have been feeling so awful in my clothes lately and these were wonderful. So I bought them... my first pair of maternity pants. I wish I could wear them all the time! I think I am very soon going to be moving into all stretchy pants! It feels good to breathe while sitting down. I had almost forgotten what it was like.

Allergy season is hitting me hard. With the pollen count high and not being able to take anything but benadryl, I'm having a hard time breathing and sleeping. I've been taking Benadryl at night, which has been leaving poor Josh with a very unavailable wife, if you know what I mean... so we are both praying the first frost will come early this year!

Not even 8pm yet and I'm thinking about bed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can also take regular sudafed and regular tylenol.

Patty :)