Tuesday, March 17, 2009

34w5d - delivery mind games

Well, I've sure been through it today.

Last night was bad in L&D and Eli failed his NSTs. So I had to come back this morning for more tests and when he failed again and then failed another test too, they decided I would be having this baby today. Since he is definitely breech, I spent all day gearing myself up for this c-section. They got the IV in (ugh!) and shipped me to another hospital by ambulance (ugh!) to have it done.

The ambulance ride freaked me out but I was at least mentally preparing myself for what I was facing. Then I get here and they start the tests over again! They decided they don't want to trust the tests I already had done, so they had to do their own. They repeated the test, which of course he failed, and then they decided to admit me overnight so they can repeat the tests in the morning (just like I did this morning for last night's tests!).

So I'm here in my room. I have had more pokes and prods and I HATE this IV. I can't wait to get it out. I hope I can sleep tonight, but I'm so nervous about what tomorrow will bring. I was at least amped up for it and now I feel like I have to start over with the freaking out. We really thought we'd be bringing home a St Patty's Day baby!

Josh is sleeping on the couch. Poor guy worked all night and then was up with me at the hospital all day. I'm still trying to update all the million people we told we were having this baby today.


Unknown said...

You're in my thoughts, dear Shannon and little Eli.

...carrie... said...

Take some time to breathe and rest. Best thing is this gives him a little more time to cook. Just stay calm (I know...so easy to say and so much harder to do...)
I am here for you if/when you need me. Love you much!

Reyna said...

May god bless you and your family. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

All three of my children were born at or before 36 weeks, and they are all healthy, eye-rolling, normal kids! Hang in there, and soon you will have an adorable bundle in your arms. You're in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

The post above is from Laura Lampe. Not sure how I appeared as anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Let me know which hospital you are at! I love you, and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

Shannon said...

We're at Riverside :)

Liberty said...

Thinking of all of you.

Rebecca said...

So exciting! Praying for you all!